Greetings All!
I want to extend a heads-up regarding the 2024 SLO County Arts Open Studio Tour in October, which will include over 150 artists. I will only be participating the first weekend, October 12-13. Save the dates for this incredible event.
As the year moved into summer, I found more landscapes emerging. They are larger and more complex than the “Springscapes” I painted earlier in the year. I never tire of interpreting nature with design and color.
More recently, there are new abstract paintings to enjoy in the “All Green Lights” collection. What is “All Green Lights” you may ask? This is when, after choosing a theme and my color scheme, I paint as if I am driving and encounter all green lights. Continue on! No doubting allowed! This is my way of painting Abstract Expressionism, my purist, and least self-conscious painting.
Check out the “All Green Lights” collection, and let me know what you think.
Thank You-Craig
Open Studios Art Tour-112 E. Cherry Ave, Arroyo Grande, CA, 10-5:00 October 12-13 only.